Tips for Safe Hiking with Your Dog


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Hiking with Your Dog

Derek Weigel, head of security at Thatcher McGhee’s Restaurant and Bar in Denville, New Jersey, holds a bachelor of arts in philosophy from Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania. Beyond his professional activities and studies at Gettysburg College, Derek Weigel enjoys hiking with his dogs.

There are a number of safety precautions an individual must taking when hiking with a dog. Many safety measures can be addressed by keeping a dog on leash for the duration of a hike. In many locations, including National Parks, it is unlawful to hike with an animal off leash. Whether it is legal to allow a dog off leash or not, hikers must consider the various risks associated with off leash hiking.

Other dogs and wild animals likely rank as the top concern for hikers when it comes to off leash hiking. Regardless of how well trained a dog is, there is no accounting for the behavior of another hiker’s dog or, more troubling, the behavior of a skunk or coyote. A much more common occurrence, however, involves a dog drinking from a contaminated stream or eating unsafe food found along the trail. All these situations can be avoided by simply keeping the dog on leash.

Of course, there are other aspects of safe hiking with a companion animal. For example, it is not advisable to hike with a dog in extreme weather conditions, particularly excessive heat. Hikers must remember to pack food and water for their animal companion and, if necessary, dress dogs for certain hikes. Finally, hikers must remember to monitor the animal’s energy levels: most dogs can hike further and longer than their owner, but there is no point in pushing an animal friend to their physical limits.